Differences between E Math & A Math

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Math is a subject that trains one’s systematic thinking in solving different problems, making use of all available resources and techniques to break down, simplify and find out the solution.

Additional Mathematics is different from elementary mathematics in certain ways.

It is much more complex yet direct and straight forward. Students are given more “tools” to “play with”.

There will be many interesting questions and puzzles to tackle and overcome and as a specialist, I teach my students how to use the tools available and how one should apply the techniques with the relevant tools for the different questions in A Math.

At the same time, I provide my students with more than enough exposure to different types of questions in order to mentally prepare them for any situation thrown at them during their A Math exams.


The syllabus prepares students adequately for A Level H2 Mathematics, where a strong foundation in algebraic manipulation skills and mathematical reasoning skills are required. The content is organised into three strands, namely, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, and Calculus. Besides conceptual understanding and skill proficiency explicated in the content strand, the development of process skills, namely, reasoning, communication and connections, thinking skills and heuristics, and applications and modelling are also emphasised. The O Level Additional Mathematics syllabus assumes knowledge of O Level Mathematics.